Friday, April 1, 2022

What are some of your favorite memories from your time at the University of Iowa?

One of my favorite memories is when the Presidential Scholars attended a reception at the President’s Residence and met Mary Sue Coleman. I also enjoyed the outings to Hancher. Later I worked at the Honor House and spent much of my free time there. I led the Honors Volunteer Program and Honors Cultural Program

In what ways did you challenge yourself (conventionally or otherwise) in your undergraduate studies and beyond?

I pursued a double major (Biology and Psychology). I enjoyed participating in research in two different labs while pursuing my degrees.

Describe your experience working as a Clinical Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at University of Iowa.

I returned to the University of Iowa after completing medical school and residency at the University of Chicago. I currently evaluate and treat patients in the University of Iowa Emergency Department. Additionally, I teach Emergency Medicine residents and students. I am the Clerkship Director and oversee the medical student rotations in the department. I’ve even had several current or recent Presidential Scholars come to the department to shadow me on shifts.

Reflecting on your time at Iowa and life after graduation, how did the Presidential Scholarship impact your life as a student at Iowa, and how has it impacted your life beyond Iowa?

I moved to Iowa City after growing up in a town of 2,000 people. While a university of its size could seem daunting, I felt fortunate that within the cohort of Presidential Scholars were instant friends. This was reinforced through various activities throughout the year.

My training at the University of Iowa prepared me well to attend the University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine (my top choice for medical school). I was fortunate to be able to go into medical school without any other student loan debt.